NSGCB 468 Reflection 1

Paper Instructions

This reflection is comprised of 2 sections, collectively totaling a minimum of 500 words. This activity is meant to help you build your knowledge in preparation for the competency assessment.

Complete your reflection by responding to all prompts.

1) Quality and Patient Safety

What is the difference between quality and patient safety? While responding to this question, make sure to address the following:

  • Describe the difference.
  • Explain your rationale.

Cite specific examples from practice or literature.

2) Chasing Zero

Watch Chasing Zero Winning the War on Health care Harm to see the patient’s perspective on the importance of quality and safety during care.

As you watch, think about the profound effect the care these families received had on the future of so many people.

Thoughtfully reflect to answer the following:

  • How do you positively or negatively affect the quality and safety of the care your patients receive?

Think of 2 specific cases or examples you or your organization may have experienced or might experience.

  • What actions have you or could you take in your organization to avoid the situation(s)?

Note: Although references are not required, if you do use references, please follow APA guidelines for in-text citations and references. Use the APA Style Guide, 7th Edition.

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A competency assessment is important in finding out the level of competency of a student in a particular area. Therefore, it is important for a student to adequately prepare for such competency-based assessment. As part of the preparation, an individual needs to be engaged in various activities which can help bridge the gap between what is known and what needs to be known or learned. Therefore, the purpose of this assignment is to compose a reflection covering various aspects such as regulation, accreditation, and nursing interventions.

Regulation vs. Accreditation

Regulation and accreditation are both important in nursing practice. However, they are not identical, as the two have key differences. Regulation entails rules that must be followed by healthcare entities and healthcare practitioners, while accreditation refers to a seal of approval, usually from an independent accrediting body, that certifies that an individual or an organization has met some specific set standards (Bradley et al.,2019). Regulation in healthcare practice focuses on protecting patients and helps define nursing education and healthcare practice. While regulation is mandatory, implying that the set rules have to be followed, accreditation may be voluntary and self-regulatory, which helps institutions or programs to improve.

There are various accreditation standards and regulations most cited or used in the practice setting (emergency care). For a nurse practitioner to work in this setting, include entry-level core competencies as stated in the Licensure, Accreditation, Certification, and Education Regulatory Model. The standards for an emergency nurse practitioner should entail five major domains, including medical screening, medical decision-making or differential diagnoses, patient management, patient disposition, and professional, ethical, and legal practices (Davis et al.,2022). Therefore, the emergency depart nurse is required to meet this accreditation and regulations for competency practice in such as setting.

Nurse Interventions

One of the major focuses of nursing practice is ensuring that patients are safe in the care environment and that the patients are satisfied. As such, nurses use various nursing interventions to help achieve such an aim. Nursing interventions have been shown to be effective in they are integrated into a multidisciplinary plan of care. I am interested in working in high-care units and intensive care units. The patients in these departments require more care from the nurses as they are always in need of one nursing assistance or the other. As such, nursing interventions can help a lot in improving their condition. One nursing intervention that can be integrated into the multidisciplinary plan of care is the timeous removal of urinary catheters to prevent catheter-associated urinary tract infections (Schiessler et al.,2019).

Catheter-associated urinary tract infections have been known to result in various negative impacts. Hence it is important to use them on patients when needed and be promptly removed when not in use. Therefore, this intervention can be integrated into a multidisciplinary plan of care which also involves doctors agreeing on when to remove the catheters after close observation. Another nursing intervention that can be integrated into a multidisciplinary plan of care is the use of appropriate strategies to help reduce pressure ulcers (Lechner et al., 2021). Pressure ulcers can easily result among patients in the ICU units since they may need to lie on one body side for a long time. Therefore, it is important to collaborate with other healthcare professionals, such as doctors and hospital leaders, to ensure that the patients sleep on surfaces that reduce pressure on the body parts. In addition, appropriate plans can also be made to ensure that patients can be turned more often so that they don’t sleep on one side for long.


  • Bradley, C. S., Johnson, B. K., Dreifuerst, K. T., White, P., Conde, S. K., Meakim, C. H., … & Childress, R. M. (2019). Regulation of simulation use in United States prelicensure nursing programs. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 33, 17–25. https //doi.org/10.1016/j.ecns.2019.04.004
  • Davis, W. D., Denke, N., Hallman, M. G., House, D., Switzer, D. F., & Wilbeck, J. (2022). Guest editorial Collaboration yields 2021 ENP competencies. Journal of Emergency Nursing, 48(6), 621-622. https //doi.org/10.1016/j.jen.2022.08.006
  • Lechner, A., Kottner, J., Coleman, S., Muir, D., Beeckman, D., Chaboyer, W., … & Balzer, K. (2021). Outcomes for Pressure Ulcer Trials (OUTPUTs) project review and classification of outcomes reported in pressure ulcer prevention research. British Journal of Dermatology, 184(4), 617-626. https //doi.org/10.1111/bjd.19304
  • Schiessler, M. M., Darwin, L. M., Phipps, A. R., Hegemann, L. R., Heybrock, B. S., & Macfadyen, A. J. (2019). Don’t have a doubt, get the catheter out a nurse-driven CAUTI prevention protocol. Pediatric Quality & Safety, 4(4), e183. https //doi.org/10.1097%2Fpq9.0000000000000183

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