NR 451 Week 2 The Clinical Question

Paper Instructions

Your capstone change project begins this week when you identify a practice issue that you believe needs to change. The practice issue must pertain to a systematic review that you must choose from a List of Approved Systematic Reviews (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. for the capstone project.

  • Choose a systematic review from the list of approved reviews based on your interests or your practice situation.
  • Formulate a significant clinical question related to the topic of the systematic review that will be the basis for your capstone change project.
  • Relate how you developed the question.
  • Describe the importance of this question to your clinical practice previously, currently, or in the future.
  • Describe what a research-practice gap is.

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The systematic review that I chose was obstetrics with a focus on skin to skin care. I currently work on a pediatric unit where NAS babies are transferred after they are stable following birth. I have seen many children sit on this unit for a month too two months going through withdrawal. These children have myoclonic tremors, increased muscle tone, inconsolable irritability, and an overall rough start in life. Most of these children don’t have a high parental involvement; but I was wondering what the affects would be on their weaning process if they had daily skin to skin.

I want to know if their negative symptoms would dissipate faster, would they come off the drugs faster, and would their overall health improve quicker allowing them to either go home or be placed in foster care. I believe it is important to my current practice because we have a large population of mothers that go through the methadone clinic in town. If we found a way to improve family centered care while simultaneously shortening the weaning process for the infant and minimizing withdrawal symptoms it could mean the difference between these babies staying with us for a few weeks compared to a few months.

” Newborns with moderate to severe NAS are typically treated with oral opioids, and then weaned over days to weeks. Pharmacologically treated NAS is prolonged and costly, with lengths of stay of 2 to 12 weeks and estimated charges of $90 000 per admission (Holmes et al).” Research practice gap is when there is evidence based research supporting a specific practice but it hasn’t been implemented into actual patient care.

  • Holmes, A. V., Atwood, E. C., Whalen, B., Beliveau, J., Jarvis, J. D., Matulis, J. C., & Ralston, S. L. (2016). Rooming-In to Treat Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome Improved Family-Centered Care at Lower Cost. Pediatrics,137(6). doi 10.1542/peds.2015-2929

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