NR 501 Week 6 Application of Theory to Leadership and Management

Paper Instructions

Discuss how a specific middle-range nursing theory has been or could be applied by nurse leaders or nurse managers to effectively deal with an administrative issue (i.e., staffing, use of supplies, staff performance issues). Include an example from the literature or your own experience to illustrate your points.

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A middle-range theory that could be applied by nurse leaders or nurse managers, to deal with administrative problems such as staffing, and staff performance challenges is the Peplau’s theory of interpersonal relations. Among Peplau’s theory concepts we can find assisting other to identify their difficulties, applying human relations to the difficulties others are facing, being a resource person, a counselor and educator. These principles are of paramount importance for nurse leaders to apply in their professional environment to achieve effective leadership.

According to Hurley & Hutchinson (2013). effective nurse leadership positively influences the quality of clinical care, as well as work settings where nursing care is taking place. One of Peplau’s theory comprise assisting individuals to identify their difficulties. It is very important, for nurse leaders to engender a working environment that makes nurses and other personnel have a sense of safety and feel valued while carrying out their duties in the working environment. Such environment positively influences nurses and other personnel working moral and as a consequence will benefit nurses and other personnel retention as well as create a safe environment for nurses.

Another demonstration of the application of Peplau’s theory is when a nurse manager detects any type of issue with the staff performance or getting used to the work environment, the manager has the obligation as leader to assist that personnel in identifying and overcoming such difficulties in order to promote a healthy working environment that is under her supervision. When any issue in the working environment is recognized, the nurse manager through the use of appropriate management skills should be able to provide assistance and resolve the issues identified. Although some issues can be resolved by each individual; there are other problems that indeed require the involvement of the manager.

I was employed to a facility that had a high rate of turnover and low morale. Nursing staff were leaving shortly after being employed and oriented for the job. It was like a cycle of employment and resignation not long after the orientation period was finalized. There was a common denominator in this situation, when staff personnel identified a problem that affected them, whether directly or indirectly, the manager would not intervene in a timely manner or sometimes not at all to resolve the situation affecting this nursing personnel.

Nurses with senior positions were very indifferent, not training the new recruits properly and making degrading and unprofessional comments towards their newly employed junior colleagues. Some senior nurses were employed to the institution prior to the manager and therefore felt they had the right to have an upper hand in the institution due to their seniority. Newly employed nurses felt mistreated and professionally disrespected and they had no one to support them, and as a result there was an increased number of nurses leaving the institution.

This situation stopped when there was an investigation from upper management to detect the reason why nurses were leaving in such a short period of time from this particular unit. Once the problem was addressed, and disciplinary action and changes made to management and in the working environment, nurses started to work in harmony, treating each other with respect and addressing each other professionally. Turnover rate decreased tremendously, productivity and patient healthcare also improved.

One of the main problem-solving avenues in management is communication. It is of paramount importance for a leader to be able to utilize leadership methods conducive to healthy communication, proper interpersonal and interprofessional relationships which will be able to develop a productive and healthy environment among nursing personnel, management and the institution. The application of Peplau’s theory of interpersonal relation may be of crucial value to nursing personnel with its implementation in their professional career.


  • Hurley, J & Hutchinson, M. (2013). Setting a course A critical review of the literature on nurse leadership in Australia. Contemporary Nurse, 43(2), 178–182. Retrieved from https // (Links to an external site.)

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