NSG 4150 Weekly Discussion 3 USLO 3.2

Paper Instructions

Legislative efforts at both the Federal and State levels serve as guidelines for all levels of health policy, all the way to the bedside. Choose a nurse best practice and trace it backwards to how and why that practice was developed into a current practice.

Use the NCSBN’s Find Your Nurse Practice Act webpageLinks to an external site. to find your state’s Nurse Practice Act (NPA).

Please list at least two clauses in your NPA that support your chosen best practice.

Finally, reflect on your investigation into your state’s NPA. What did you learn? What do you still have questions about?

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The best nursing practice selected in this discussion is fall prevention. These practices were developed to address the rising cases of falls in hospitals. It is reported that hospital falls are a significant global problem adversely affecting patient safety.

Reports indicate that hospital fall rates range from 3.3 to 11.5 falls per 1000 patient days in the United States (Turner et al., 2022). An estimated 25% of these falls lead to injuries, leading to prolonged hospital stays, costs and liability (Turner et al., 2022).

This has led to the development of various fall prevention practices that can be adopted by hospitals, including patient monitoring tools, identification practices, patient and family education, and modification of patients’ beds. These strategies have sought to reduce falls by addressing causation factors.

There are various ways in which California’s Nursing Practice Act influences nurses’ best practices. For instance, in the ACT’s section § 1484 Nurse Practitioner Education, the nurse practitioner education program helps to ensure the development of graduate nurse practitioners who can offer competent care to patients (State of California, 2024).

This can help increase the quality of implemented fall prevention practices. Another important aspect of NPA in the promotion of best practices is in § 1491(State of California, 2024). Qualifications and Requirements. It requires the nurses to have certifications concerning assessing the health needs of individuals and health promotion and disease prevention.

The analysis of the NPA indicates it is the body of California law that gives power to the Board to detail the scope of practice and responsibilities for registered nurses. It governs all issues concerning nursing in the state. These entail creating the nursing board in addition to licensing and nursing education.

The ACT is also essential in setting standards for disciplinary action when nurse practitioners violate the law. However, it was not clear how the ACT has changed since the COVID-19 pandemic.


  • State of California. (2024). Nursing Practice Act. https //www.rn.ca.gov/practice/npa.shtml
    Turner, K., Staggs, V. S., Potter, C., Cramer, E., Shorr, R. I., & Mion, L. C. (2020). Fall prevention practices and implementation strategies Examining consistency across hospital units. Journal of Patient Safety, 18(1). https //doi.org/10.1097/pts.0000000000000758

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