NUR 611 Module 5 Discussion The Result & Discussion Section

Paper Instructions

Please answer the questions below:

  • What must be included in the result and discussion section of the research paper?
  • Select a research result and state whether it includes the necessary elements. Why and why not?

Submission Instructions

Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources.

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Nursing research seeks to provide new knowledge about health interventions and issues affecting the care of people. Within healthcare organizations, nursing research allows care providers to evaluate the feasibility of nursing actions as nurses and leaders implement evidence-based practice to enhance outcomes.

After conducting research using the appropriate qualitative, quantitative, or mixed-methods approach, researchers should organize their work into several sections that describe the process, findings, and practice implications. The result and discussion section provide and interpret the research findings.

Regarding results, the researcher should state facts about the study outcomes. In this part, researchers present the summarized findings to put them in context with the hypothesis or the research question. In quantitative studies, researchers provide statistical results through figures, tables, and texts, while qualitative data is provided as themes (Gray & Grove, 2023).

Direct quotes from the participants usually support the themes. A suitable example of a quantitative result is the p-value for statistical significance and differences between study groups. When reporting the findings, researchers should present accurate and the most relevant data logically. Bias and data interpretation must always be avoided.

The discussion is about the meaning of the study findings. This is the part where researchers tell the readers whether a treatment/intervention achieved the expected outcomes and its importance in nursing. Therefore, a typical discussion section interprets the results based on the key findings and includes implications for nursing practice (Gray & Grove, 2023).

Other essential components include conclusions supporting or refuting published work, strengths, limitations, and recommendations for future research. Limitations stem from flaws in study design, sampling, and data analysis procedures (Harder, 2023). A common limitation is a small sample, which necessitates future research with larger samples to make results generalizable. Some studies also lack a comparison group, prompting randomized controlled trials in the future.

Dierick et al. (2022) conducted a study on improving mobility and balance among recurrently falling older adults in a nursing home. The intervention included side-stepping exercises for eight weeks. In the results section, the authors provide the outcome data of the exercise program in the fourth week and after eight weeks (completion time) in raw form as p values. The values show the difference in outcomes post-intervention compared to baseline.

From a research perspective, the result of this study contains the necessary elements since it has quantitative data about the findings in the context of the research question. The reader can quantify the impact of the intervention at baseline, follow-up, and after eight weeks. These results can be effectively analyzed and interpreted in the discussion section to imply their relevance in nursing practice.

The result and discussion sections are crucial parts of every research. Some research studies provide results and the discussion as separate sections, while others combine them. Irrespective of how they are organized, the results should summarize and present the study findings in a way that answers the research question.

In particular, results should provide data that reports the findings without any interpretation. The discussion part is broader since it is a contextual analysis of the findings that also includes strengths of the research, limitations, and implications of the findings.


  • Dierick, F., Bouché, A. F., Guérin, S., Steinmetz, J. P., Federspiel, C., Barvaux, V., & Buisseret, F. (2022). Quasi-experimental pilot study to improve mobility and balance in recurrently falling nursing home residents by voluntary non-targeted side-stepping exercise intervention. BMC Geriatrics, 22(1), 1006. https //
  • Gray, J. R. & Grove. S. K. (2021). The practice of nursing research-E-book Appraisal, synthesis, and generation of evidence. Elsevier Health Sciences.
  • Harder, N. (2023). Understanding Mixed-Methods in Healthcare Simulation Research Scope and Limitations. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 82, 101446. https //

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