Alternative and Complementary Medicine

Paper Instructions

Discuss the safety and effectiveness of alternative and complementary medicine for the treatment of specific illnesses such as cancer, diabetes, and hypertension. Would you have any conflicts/concerns supporting a patient who choose holistic/allopathic medicine?

Submission Instructions

Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources published within the past 5 years.

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The phrase “complementary and alternative medicine” (CAM) pertains to a range of healthcare and medical systems, practices, and materials that are presently not classified as part of conventional medicine (Alqathama et al., 2020). The evolving nature of CAM is reflected in the dynamic list of techniques that are considered as such, with safe and efficacious treatments and techniques increasingly being integrated into conventional healthcare practices.

Presently, Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) procedures can be classified into five fundamental categories, namely alternative medical systems, body-mind interventions, psychologically-based based treatments, and energy therapies. This discussion aims to investigate the effectiveness and safety of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) in managing specific medical conditions, including cancer, diabetes, and hypertension.
Individuals diagnosed with cancer may opt for complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) as a means of managing the adverse effects of their treatments, including but not limited to nausea, pain, and fatigue.

According to Keene et al. (2019), individuals may employ complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) as a means of self-comfort, to alleviate anxiety associated with cancer treatment and related stress, and to perceive themselves as actively participating in their care and attempting to manage or remedy their cancer. Several complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) treatments have undergone comprehensive analysis and have been deemed generally safe and effective. Some of the practices that fall under this category are acupuncture, yoga, and meditation.

Conversely, certain treatments may exhibit toxicity, inefficacy, or unfavorable drug interactions with the patient’s medication regimen. Consequently, individuals diagnosed with cancer and who express an inclination towards complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) should engage in a dialogue with their healthcare provider, either a physician or a nurse. This step is of utmost importance as seemingly innocuous items have the potential to cause harm to the patient or impede their capacity to manage their illness. It is advisable to ascertain the efficacy of the treatment under consideration in delivering the promised outcomes.

As a result, many diabetic patients choose to use complementary and alternative medicine in addition to conventional therapy to manage their condition. Additionally, owing to the problems associated with mainstream pharmaceuticals, complementary and alternative medicine is utilized as a way to decrease consumption. These treatments are also available over-the-counter. Medicinal plants are commonly utilized in traditional medicine and complementary and alternative medicine for the treatment of diabetes.

These treatments are crucial in the management of this illness. Numerous studies indicate that medicinal plants may be useful in the management of such complicated disorders (Raja et al., 2019). However, some research shows that complementary and alternative therapies are less intrusive and less invasively effective than contemporary treatments (Alqathama et al., 2020).

An evidence-based strategy for the treatment of hypertension might also include several complementary and alternative medicine treatments. Further study using cardiovascular outcomes is warranted given the potential benefits of these therapies. Previous research has shown that coenzyme Q10, dark chocolate with high polyphenol content, Qigong, calm breathing, and transcendental meditation may all reduce blood pressure (Shorofi et al., 2019).

Blood pressure has reportedly been lowered with acupuncture as well. Melatonin has also been useful in treating hypertension, however, individuals using medication should proceed with care.

The major issue in supporting a patient who chooses holistic or allopathic care, in terms of conflicts or worries, would be safety. As with any therapy, it’s crucial to make sure the patient is receiving it safely and that any possible dangers are taken into account. Consequently, it will be necessary to elucidate to the patient that alternative medicines necessitate an extended treatment duration and a convalescence period as they target the underlying cause of the ailment (Alqathama et al., 2020). There is a call for active involvement in the process of healing. Furthermore, they are deemed ineffective during times of emergency.


  • Alqathama, A., Alluhiabi, G., Baghdadi, H., Aljahani, L., Khan, O., Jabal, S., Makkawi, S., & Alhomoud, F. (2020). Herbal medicine from the perspective of type II diabetic patients and physicians what is the relationship? BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies, 20(1). https //
  • Keene, M. R., Heslop, I. M., Sabesan, S. S., & Glass, B. D. (2019). Complementary and alternative medicine use in cancer A systematic review. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, 35, 33–47. https //
  • Raja, R., Kumar, V., Khan, M. A., Sayeed, K. A., Hussain, S. Z. M., & Rizwan, A. (2019). Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices of Complementary and Alternative Medication Usage in Patients of Type II Diabetes Mellitus. Cureus. https //
  • Shorofi, S. A., Bagheri-Nesami, M., & Shafipour, V. (2019). Knowledge and attitudes of hypertensive patients on the use of traditional and complementary medicine. Journal of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, 29(171), 58–66. https //

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