NRS 465 Benchmark- Capstone Project Change Proposal Presentation for Faculty Review and Feedback

NRS 465 Benchmark- Capstone Project Change Proposal Presentation for Faculty Review and Feedback

Paper Instructions

Assessment Description

The purpose of this assignment is to develop a presentation for your capstone project change proposal that you will present in Topic 10 to leaders and interprofessional stakeholders at your practicum site.

Prepare a presentation using as a guide the Topic 8 “Benchmark – Capstone Project Change Proposal” that was completed previously.

Students will disseminate this presentation to leadership at the practicum site in Topic 10. Reach out to your preceptor to collaborate on confirming a date and time to present this PowerPoint to an interprofessional audience of leaders and stakeholders at the practicum site.

Prepare a 10-15-slide PowerPoint presentation of your capstone project change proposal to include the following

  • Identify the clinical problem statement and explain the purpose of the evidence-based change proposal.
  • Summarize the evidence/literature, including connection to the proposed plan.
  • Propose an implementation plan with an intervention and outcome measures.
  • Outline the roles and responsibilities of the various interprofessional stakeholders who will be needed in order to implement the plan. Roles and responsibilities discussed should be specific to the implementation of your proposed project.
  • Describe the resources needed for project implementation.
  • Discuss the evaluation plan for proposed nursing intervention.
  • Provide a minimum of three references to accompany in-text citations used throughout the PowerPoint presentation.

In preparing your presentation, consider the stakeholders who will be part of your audience and ensure you incorporate appropriate messaging and communication strategies for that audience. Submit the presentation in the digital classroom for feedback from the instructor.

Title slide and reference slide are not included in the slide count. Include speaker notes below each content-related slide that represent what would be said if giving the presentation in person. Expand upon the information included in the slide and do not simply restate it. Please ensure the speaker notes include a minimum of 50-100 words per slide.

Refer to the resource, “Creating Effective PowerPoint Presentations,” located in the Student Success Center, for additional guidance on completing this assignment in the appropriate style.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.

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Introduction & Purpose of the Presentation

Poly-pharmacy among elderly patients with chronic conditions is a critical issue that leads to medication non-adherence. Poor medication adherence leaves thousands of elderly patients with poor outcomes and low patient safety levels.

Healthcare technologies changes like the use of mHealyth applications can increase medication adherence among elderly patients, especially those with multiple chronic conditions. The apps improve medication adherence by enabling elderly patients not to forget their routine medicines.

The purpose of this presentation is to discuss the proposed capstone change project on implementing medication adherence apps to improve patient safety and quality of care for elderly individuals with chronic conditions.

Clinical Problem & Statement

Medication non-adherence is a critical issue and a leading cause of treatment failure (CDC, 2024). Close to 50% of patients with chronic diseases fail to adhere to prescribes medications (Foley et al., 2022) further, non-adherence to medication accounts for about 50% of treatment failures. It also leads to over 125,000 deaths among patients and accounts for close to 25% of hospitalizations in the United States.

Patients with multiple medication are the most affected by medication non-adherence (Zeintouny et al., 2023). Elderly patients with chronic conditions are at an increased risk for medication non-adherence due to cognitive reasons like aging.

Therefore, improving medication adherence among elderly patients with chronic conditions is critical to improving their quality of life by leveraging emerging technology interventions like mHealth applications.

Purpose of Evidence-Based Practice Proposal

The changing healthcare system requires interventions for better patient outcomes, improved patient safety, and quality care as well as reduced costs. In their article, Almeman et al. (2024) assert that the changing healthcare environment continues to embrace health technologies like mHealth interventions.

The purpose of the evidence-based proposal is to recommend and implement medication adherence applications (mHealth) to improve medication adherence among elderly individuals suffering from chronic conditions and have poly-pharmacy. Evidence from research studies shows that mobile apps reminders are effective in enhancing medication adherence (Poorcheraghi et al., 2023).

Mobile apps improve medication adherence among the elderly patients as discovered and advanced by Cao et al. (2024). Therefore, this project focuses on implementing mobile applications through smartphones to improve medication adherence among elderly patients with chronic conditions.

Proposed Intervention/ PICOT Question

Leveraging technologies to improve medication adherence among patients, especially elderly patients, is critical to improving outcomes, quality care, and patient safety. Developing a mobile application to improve medication adherence continues to draw increased research studies because of the perceived and proven effectiveness.

Smartphone medication reminder applications support effects and processes to reduce non-adherence to medication (Blinker et al., 2022). As such, based on the PICOT question, the proposed intervention is deployment of medication reminders apps to improve medication adherence among elderly patients with chronic conditions. The PICOT question captures all aspects of the proposed intervention and the timelines for its implementation.

Summary of Evidence/Literature Review

Effective literature search is essential in getting evidence for the proposed capstone change project (Melnyk et al., 2022). Existing evidence from the literature review shows support for the proposed intervention to improve medication adherence among elderly patients with chronic conditions.

Studies advance that using mobile applications (mHealth) reminders increases rate of medication adherence and quality of life. Li et al. (2021), Cao et al. (2021) and Poorcharghi et al. (2023) demonstrate development and application of mobile apps to enhance medication adherence.

Harch et al. (2024) show the effectiveness of smartphone application in improving medication adherence while Volpi et al. (2021) assert that radical changes can enhance patient safety through this application.

Summary of Evidence & Connection to Proposed Plan

Pend et al. (2020) demonstrate effectiveness of mobile apps intervention in mediating medication adherence while Armitage et al. (2020) use systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized control trials to show the effectiveness of the proposed apps on medication adherence.

Imperatively, evidence shows connection to the proposed plan and intervention as it means that facilities, providers, and patients can leverage the applications to improve medication adherence. These studies observe that mobile apps help elderly patients with chronic conditions to improve medication adherence.

They illustrate that medication adherence is a critical patient concern and issue to reduce treatment failures and increased cost of care as well as prevent associated deaths. Nguyen et al. (2024) emphasize the importance of developing app customized to patient needs, concerns, and treatment interventions, especially those with poly-pharmacy.

Implementation Plan

The implementation of the proposed change will use Lewin’s three-step change model that includes unfreezing, change, and refreezing. Through these three processes, the organization will determine the level of adherence before and after the implementation to ascertain effectiveness of the proposed intervention (Burnes, 2020).

The implementation will be based on standardized steps that include assessment, identification and developing the interventions, and planning. The steps will also entail developing the application, rolling it through two phases, the pilot phase and the final phase (Melynk et al., 2022). The assessment will entail ascertaining the level of the problem using organizational data and existing research evidence.

Planning will focus on getting software developers and vendors and nurses will receive training on the use of the application. The initial execution will be pilot roll for two weeks and data collected on aspects like missed reminders, effective reminders, and reminder fatigue among nurses.

The complete roll out will happen after the pilot phase in all nursing areas when handling elderly patients suffering from various chronic conditions. Nurses will monitor the uptake of medications and record them through observation and surveys. The compilation will occur daily and weekly before reporting on the collected data. Evaluation will focus on the effectiveness and efficacy of the app in meeting unique patient needs and concerns.

Measurable Outcomes

The primary outcome for the proposed intervention is to improve medication adherence by 30% within three months. Secondly, the project focuses on improving personal decisions and choices among patients for better outcomes (Dusetzina et al., 2023). The rationale of the project is to ensure elderly patients with chronic conditions have better outcomes through effectively taking their medications.

As such, the rationale, objectives, and anticipated outcomes illustrate respect for autonomy and self-determination among patients based on comprehensive information from nurses and others healthcare providers.

Stakeholders Roles and Responsibilities

Stakeholders are critical in implementing capstone change project, from internal to external, because of the different yet important roles that they play. The project will have various cadres of stakeholders and will include nurses, nurse managers and leaders, organizational managers as internal stakeholders.

The information technology (IT) personnel and nurse informaticists in the facility will also be critical stakeholders in rolling out the propose change project (Melnyk et al., 2022). Nurses, nurse leaders and managers will implement the project because of their strategic role in the facility. They will also offer feedback and what should be included in the mobile app reminder.

Nurse managers will also oversee the overall implementation of the project. Organizational managers will allocate resources while the IT personnel will integrate app system with the organizational IT infrastructure. The nurse informaticist will ensure that the intervention and its components complies with regulatory agencies and organizational policies.

The external stakeholders in the project include regulatory agencies, patients, and their families, and system developers and vendors (Melnyk et al., 2022). Nurses and nurse managers and leaders will be at the hurt of the project Regulatory agencies like CMS will ensure tha facility follow set rules and compliance requirements.

Patients and their families will benefit from the intervention while the system developers and vendors will create the proposed application and install it for the organization.

Resources Needed for the Project’s Implementation

Capstone change projects require sufficient resources for their implementation. The required resources are based on the developed strategic plan according to the proposed intervention (Melnyk et al., 2023).

In this case, the implementation of the proposed change project requires a host of resources that include human resources like nurses who will execute the initiative, system developers and vendors who will develop and sell the software to the facility, and nurse leaders who will oversee the project.

The other human resource in the implementation includes organizational management who will allocate resources for its completion. Funding resources will also be required for the project to develop the application and integrate it into the electronic health records (EHRs) system of the hospital. Materials will also include statutory guidelines, satisfaction surveys, and patient charts. The team will also require feedback and data collections tools like questiinnaires.

Evaluation Plan for the Intervention

The evaluation plan for the proposed capstone change project will focus on an in-depth approach aimed at attaining the set objectives and anticipated outcomes. based on feedback from the preceptor and peers, the evaluation plan will ascertain the effectiveness of the proposed intervention which enumerate the effects of mobile apps on improving medication adherence using the collected and analyzed data.

The team will evaluate observational data collected by nurses daily and compiled daily to determine the effects of the intervention on patient medication adherence. The team will also use satisfaction surveys on patients to determine perceptions on decisions and choices they make (Melnyk et al., 2022).

Nurses will also evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention using data on medication alerts, types of medications for patients with poly-pharmacy, number of illnesses, and frequency of taking medications. The evaluation will occur throughout the implementation to determine any gaps that may require improving the program to benefit patients and the facility.


  • Almeman, A. (2024). The digital transformation in pharmacy embracing online
    platforms and the cosmeceutical paradigm shift. Journal of Health,
    Population and Nutrition, 43(1) 60. DOI https //
  • Armitage, L. C., Kassavou, A., & Sutton, S. (2020). Do mobile device apps designed to
    support Does medication adherence demonstrate efficacy? A systematic review of
    randomized controlled trials, with meta-analysis. BMJ open, 10(1) e032045.
    https //
  • Brinker Jr., D. L., Foley, K. A., Zhou, Y., Acevedo-Callejas, M., Li, Y., & Farrell, E. L. (2022).
    Use of a smartphone medication reminder application to support emerging adult adherence to
    non-antibiotic treatment for viral upper respiratory tract infection. Journal of Primary Care & Community
    Health, 13, 21501319221129732. DOI 10.1177/21501319221129732
  • Burnes, B. (2020). The origins of Lewin’s three-step model of change. The Journal of Applied Behavioral
    Science, 56(1) 32-59. https //
  • Cao, W., Wang, J., Wang, Y., Hassan, I. I., & Kadir, A. A. (2024). mHealth App to
    improve medication adherence among older adult stroke survivors
    Development and usability study. Digital Health, 10, 20552076241236291.
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  • Dusetzina, S. B., Besaw, R. J., Whitmore, C. C., Mattingly, T. J., Sinaiko, A. D.,
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    people living with multi-morbidity a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ
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    Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2022). Evidence-based practice in nursing & Healthcare A Guide to Best Practice. Lippincott
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    Nguyen, A., Uppal, S., Pereira, M. M., Pluti, A., & Gualtieri, L. (2024). MedHerent Improving Medication Adherence in Older Adults With
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    Peng, Y., Wang, H., Fang, Q., Xie, L., Shu, L., Sun, W., & Liu, Q. (2020). Effectiveness of mobile applications on medication adherence in
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    DOI https //
    Stewart, S. J. F., Moon, Z., & Horne, R. (2023). Medication nonadherence health impact, prevalence, correlates, and interventions. Psychology & Health,
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