NR 351 Week 6 Discussion Best Leaders (Graded)

Paper Instructions


Think of the best leader or manager you have ever known (or your ideal leader or manager) in nursing or another field. How did this person lead others? How did you feel working with this leader? What impact did this person’s leadership style have on your future leadership?

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The best manager I’ve had the privilege of working with was the manager that was on 4E when I was hired at McLaren Bay Region as a nurse assistant. I felt like she always had my back and was there to help everyone be successful. She understood the struggles I had with juggling working part-time, going to nursing school full-time, and being a new mother all at the same time.

She also seemed to be the fairest manager by awarding vacation to the correct people and by creating the work schedule based on people’s school schedules and seniority on the unit. According to Iorio (2012), “Real leadership is collaborative, respectful and positive. People aren’t punished for disagreeing; listening and compromise are strengths” (p. 11).

One of the best things she did for the unit was creating a contract for the employees to be nice to each other and not say anything mean about anyone else. She had the employees on the unit sign it and then re-sign it if we broke the contract. There was also punishment such as write-ups if people were caught breaking the contract. It seemed silly at first but with that small contract, she drastically changed the atmosphere on the unit. The staff seemed less spiteful and worked together with increased teamwork.

I believe I liked her the best because she had a more transformational leadership style. According to Hood (2018), a transformational leader often motivates staff by offering rewards and, “has a high level of trust, gets others to share common values and mission, shows a committed work ethic, defines reality, keeps the dream alive, examines efforts of actions, and makes adjustments as needed” (p. 446). I feel that her leadership style constantly motivates me to like her and I hope that my coworkers feel the same way about me as I do about her.


  • Hood, L. J. (2018). Leddy & Pepper’s professional nursing (9th ed.). Philadelphia, PA Wolters Kluwer.
  • Iorio, P. (2012, February 6). A lesson in bad leadership. Tampa Bay Times, sec. A, p. 11. Retrieved from https //

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