NR 439 Week 7 Applying and Sharing Evidence to Practice Discussion

Paper Instructions

After the data have been analyzed, conclusions are made regarding what the findings mean. Then, this information must be shared with your healthcare team.

  1. Choose one of the articles from the Week 5 RRL assignment, and discuss the findings. Would you apply the evidence found to your practice? Explain your answer.
  2. Translating research into practice is the final and most important step in the research process. Review information you found your nursing clinical issue and explain ways in which you would share the research-based evidence with your peers.

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After the data have been analyzed, conclusions are made regarding what the findings mean. Then, this information must be shared with your healthcare team.

Choose one of the articles from the RRL assignment, and discuss the findings. Would you apply the evidence found to your practice? Explain your answer, please.

Translating research into practice is the final and most important step in the research process. Review information you found in your Week 3 Assignment, and explain ways in which you would share the research-based evidence with your peers.

You may begin posting in this TD on Sunday for credit

As you evaluate results reported in the articles, consider using the 4 rules that we discussed last week. It is very important to identify the purpose of the study before moving forward with the evaluation of the results. If the study has an intervention or treatment, then it is likely that there will be dependent and independent variables (Chamberlain College of Nursing, 2017).

The next step focuses on identification of data collection methods and how investigators measured these variables. Furthermore, discussion and conclusion sections of the report offer an interpretation of study results and may even incorporate investigators’ opinions or speculations regarding the findings (Chamberlain College of Nursing, 2017).

A well-written research report contains strengths and limitations. Concerns with study limitations are especially important when investigators report results from a pilot study. Pilot studies are often designed to preliminary test the intervention to identify potential benefits; however, as we acknowledged, results from such a study are very hard to generalize to a greater population.

Pay special attention to the sample selection for the study and resources needed to implement the proposed change. Last week we discovered that even though some results appear to be statistically significant, they may not have any clinical significance. Think about other barriers or challenges you might encounter while implementing a change and how you would overcome those challenges.

Thank you,

Dr Joy


  • Chamberlain College of Nursing. (2017). NR439 Week 7 Reading research literature, credibility, and significance [Online Lesson]. Downers Grove, IL DeVry Education Group.

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