NUR 611 Introduction and PICOT Question Assignment

Paper Instructions

For this assignment, you will write an introduction. Refer to Module 3 Lecture Materials & Resources to help you complete this assignment.

Your Introduction must include:

  • Your PICOT question.
  • Purpose of or rationale for the scholarly project
  • Provide an evidence-based explanation of why it is necessary to complete your scholarly project and what benefit will be gained (health promotion, fiscal, and efficiency).
  • Background on the problem or population of interest
  • Using primary sources, provide data on your topic.
  • Providing the background will demonstrate the focused need for your project.
  • Significance of the problem to nursing and health care
  • State how your problem or population of interest aligns with the larger interest of health care in the community.
  • Create a context to why your topic is important.
  • Benefit of the project to nursing practice
  • State what will be gained from your project.
  • Describe the expected outcomes of your project to practice within your population and setting.
  • Relate the outcomes to evidence-based guidelines and outcomes.
  • Describe how your project may influence other populations or settings.

Submission Instructions

The paper must be submitted via Turnitin and meet the maximum criteria of 20%. To avoid any possibility of AI being captured in your paper, please use resources such as Grammarly ONLY to check your grammar. Do not let it make changes, it is AI generated and will be detected on your paper. As previously stated, a penalty will be applied if your paper is more than 20%.

The introduction is original work and logically organized.

The paper is 2-3 pages in length and follows current APA format including citation of references.

Incorporate a minimum of 4 current (published within the last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work.

Journal articles and books should be referenced according to the current APA style (the library has a copy of the APA Manual).

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Nurses have a vital role in providing care to patients, and it is of utmost importance for them to promptly identify sepsis as part of their evaluation. They thus need to be aware of the signs of sepsis and keep up to date on appropriate evidence-based screening tools for early detection and timely antibiotic administration. Even though early screening for sepsis has been largely advocated for, researchers still claim that validated tool performance still needs to be improved.

Research has shown that including uncomplicated sepsis screening measures in the regular nursing evaluation of patients admitted to the hospital may effectively detect sepsis early. An example of such a tool is the nurse-driven severe sepsis detection tool (Semanco et al., 2022). This paper provides the PICOT Question to guide research on promoting evidence-based practice in the early identification of sepsis for timely antibiotic administration to promote positive patient outcomes.

PICOT Question

The PICOT Question that will help guide this scholarly project is Among hospitalized adult patients (P), how does the implementation of a nurse-led sepsis screening tool (I), compared to no use of a screening tool (C), impact early identification of sepsis for timely treatment (O) within 8 weeks (T)?


This scholarly project aims to provide an evidence-based sepsis screening tool for the early identification of sepsis as part of the routine nurse assessment usually conducted during every shift for hospitalized patients. This will help promote timely treatment with antibiotics and fluid resuscitation, preventing complications associated with severe sepsis (Kangas et al., 2019).

Previous researchers have reported the nurse-driven sepsis identification tool as a valid and reliable tool that nurses can use to promote timely management of sepsis and prevent the associated disease burden, such as extended hospitalization, increased medical costs, and undermining the patient’s quality of life (Semanco et al., 2022).


Sepsis is a severe health problem where the body immediately responds to an acute infection, deteriorating the function of organs, which can progress to septic shock. Studies show that over 30 million persons across the globe develop sepsis every year. Moreover, it is said in the United States that there are around 1.6 million instances of sepsis annually. Furthermore, out of this population, almost 270,000 individuals die each year, which is practically an individual every two minutes, which surpasses the rates of AIDs, breast cancer, and prostate cancer combined (Jacobs, 2019).

Most of these cases are due to the lack of appropriate screening tools, which leads to late detection of sepsis, where treatment is not feasible. As such, there is a need for timely detection of sepsis to promote timely treatment and prevent such complications.


Sepsis is a healthcare problem that significantly burdens the current healthcare system. Each year, sepsis is approximated to cost close to $24 billion as the number one budget for hospitalization among patients in the United States (Kangas et al., 2019). Consequently, every year, the readmission rate among sepsis patients is valued at approximately $2 billion annually.

According to Agnello et al. (2021), the incidence of sepsis per 100 hospitalizations in California increased from 3.2% in 2010 to 5.9% in 2016. However, the mortality rate decreased from 24.5% to 16.8% during the same period. These findings suggest advancements in the identification and management of sepsis. Studies, however, show that approximately 80% of death cases due to sepsis can be prevented through early diagnosis and timely treatment.

Benefits to Nursing Practice

This scholarly project will raise nurses’ awareness of sepsis, focusing on the significance of rigorous monitoring in promptly identifying and communicating deterioration. This will also improve nurses’ competence and preparedness to provide medical treatment for individuals experiencing a decline in their condition and developing severe sepsis. Physicians will also note that ward nurses are paying more attention to sepsis and nurse-driven sepsis identification tools as part of routine practice.

This will raise awareness, resulting in earlier detection and treatment initiation, fewer ill patients, and fewer ICU transfers (Jacobs, 2019). While some clinicians may argue that the project may not improve survival, the focus on patient observation is beneficial, as it increases awareness and quicker identification of patients requiring nurses’ response. The project’s implementation may lead to fewer deaths and promote the care of patients with sepsis.


This scholarly project aims to provide an evidence-based sepsis screening tool for early identification of sepsis in routine nursing assessments of hospitalized patients. The tool, known as the nurse-driven severe sepsis identification tool, is a valid and reliable tool that nurses can use to promote timely treatment and prevent complications associated with severe sepsis. The project’s primary goal is to make nurses more aware of sepsis by focusing on thorough observation to quickly find and report signs of worsening.

This will help nurses learn how to care for people who are getting worse and are now suffering from severe sepsis. Clinicians will also notice that ward nurses pay more attention to sepsis, leading to earlier detection and treatment initiation, fewer ill patients, and fewer ICU transfers. Implementing the project may lead to fewer deaths and promote better care for patients with sepsis.


  • Agnello, L., Iacona, A., Lo Sasso, B., Scazzone, C., Pantuso, M., Giglio, R. V., Gambino, C. M., Ciaccio, A. M., Bivona, G., Vidali, M., & Ciaccio, M. (2021). A new tool for sepsis screening in the Emergency Department. Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine, 59(9), 1600–1605. https //
  • Jacobs, J. L. (2019). Implement an Evidence-Based, Nurse-Driven Sepsis Protocol to reduce acute care transfer readmissions in the inpatient rehabilitation facility setting. Rehabilitation Nursing, 45(2), 57–70. https //
  • Kangas, C., Iverson, L., & Pierce, D. (2019). Sepsis screening Combining early warning scores and SIRS criteria. Clinical Nursing Research, 30(1), 42–49. https //
  • Semanco, M., Wright, S., & Rich, R. L. (2022). Improving initial sepsis management through a Nurse-Driven Rapid Response Team protocol. Critical Care Nurse, 42(5), 51–57. https //

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