NUR 705 Assignment 9.2 Quantitative Article Critique Part II

Paper Instructions


In this paper, you will critique the article you choose in Week 6. Although the questions below are closed-ended, provide narrative answers about your evaluation/analysis of that particular aspect of the article.

Assignment Guidelines

Your paper should include the following components:

  • Provide a short summary of the article (one to two paragraphs)

Answers to the following analysis questions;

  1. Is the title descriptive of the content of the article? Does it contain key words that help a person quickly identify the area with which the study is concerned?
  2. Does the introduction provide a general explanation of the purposes and significance of the study?
  3. Is there evidence that the authors are knowledgeable about the field? Has a summary of related studies been included in the introductory material?
  4. Are the hypothesis or research questions clearly and explicitly stated?
  5. Are the dependent and independent variables identified? Are they operationally defined? Are any extraneous variables identified as well as measures for controlling them?
  6. Is the population clearly defined? Are the sampling procedures that give rise to the samples being used clearly defined? Are these procedures appropriate and defendable?
  7. Are the data-gathering instruments identified, described, and/or explained? Has reliability and validity evidence been presented?
  8. Are the experimental or statistical design and procedures clearly presented?
  9. Are the data clearly described? Did the researchers provide a description of how they were analyzed? Did the researchers draw conclusions based on the data?
  10. Have any unexpected or unusual results been identified?
  11. Is the style of writing and presentation scholarly (spelling, grammar, organization of the article)?

State your overall evaluation of the quality of the research presented in this article. Based on your evaluation of items 1–11, would you say this is good research or not? Explain your evaluation.

Your complete critique should be no more than five pages and follow APA guidelines.

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The article selected in topic six is, “Effectiveness of nurse–led services for people with chronic disease in achieving an outcome of continuity of care at the primary-secondary healthcare interface” by Davis, K. M., Eckert, M. C., Hutchinson, A., Harmon, J., Sharplin, G., Shakib, S., & Caughey, G. E. (2021). According to the article, there is a great deal of research that supports the effectiveness of nurse-led services for people with chronic disease in achieving continuity of care at the primary-secondary healthcare interface.

The article, further revealed that nurse-led interventions improved continuity of care and resulted in better clinical outcomes for patients. Authors in this article concluded that the continuity of care is essential for effective chronic disease management, as it ensures that patients receive comprehensive and coordinated care across all healthcare settings (Davis et al., 2021).

Nurse-led services can help to improve continuity of care by ensuring that patients have timely access to appropriate health professionals, by facilitating communication between health professionals, and by providing patient education and support. The purpose of this assignment is to provide further analysis of the quantitative article identified in topic six.

1. Description of the Article’s Title

From the article selected, the title is typically descriptive of the contents. It contains key words that help a person quickly identify the area with which the study is concerned. The title is, “Effectiveness of nurse–led services for people with chronic disease in achieving an outcome of continuity of care at the primary-secondary healthcare interface” which clearly reveals the intent and specific area in which the study is focused. From the title, keywords such as chronic diseases, primary-secondary healthcare, and nurse-led services, clearly shows the direction of identify the area with which the study is concerned.

2. Analysis of the Article’s Introduction

Introducing the purpose and significance early on in an article may help readers to understand the key points better and make more informed decisions about whether to continue reading. The article has a well-developed introduction that incorporate the purpose/objectives of the study. There is a general explanation of the purposes and significance of the study. In general, the introduction of this article briefly explains the objective, design, data sources, and the expected results of the study.

3. Evidence of Author’s Knowledge

There is definitely evidence that the authors are knowledgeable about their field! A summary of related studies has been included in the introductory material, which is extremely helpful. Additionally, they have experience in writing and publishing papers on this topic, which makes them even more credible. I would absolutely trust their ability to synthesize the literature and present it in a way that is accessible to readers.

From the background information the authors provide general overview of the topic including the impacts of chronic diseases and how the continuity of care is a significant component of quality healthcare. They relate the two scenarios very well based on the history of the research processes that have been done; this shows that they are knowledgeable about their field.

4. The Hypothesis or Research Questions

It is important that hypothesis or research questions are stated clearly and explicitly in order for the study to be well-designed and answer the question accurately. Without clear hypotheses or questions, it would be difficult to determine what the study should measure and how to go about measuring it. In other words, if the investigators do not know what they want to learn from the study, then it will be difficult generate accurate results. From the article under analysis, the research questions are clearly and explicitly stated. It is out of these research questions that the reader can find both the null and hypothesis statements.

5. Dependent and Independent Variables in the Article

From the article, both the dependent and independent variables have been identified and defined. The objective of the study is to identify the effectiveness of nurse-led services for individuals/people with chronic diseases in achieving an outcome of continuity of care at both the primary and secondary healthcare interface. The dependent variable in this case is outcome of the continuity care at the primary and secondary healthcare interface while the independent variable is nurse-led services for people with chronic diseases (Davis et al., 2021). However, the extraneous variables have not been identified and there are no measures for controlling them.

6. Characteristics of the Population Under the Study

The characteristics of the population under the study was clearly defined. In other words, the population under the study included individuals suffering from chronic diseases. Simple random sampling technique was applied in identifying respondents. The sample size used was 4,090. The procedure used in sampling (simple random sampling procedures) were appropriate and defendable. The procedure was clear and elaborate, leading to the identification of the right sample size.

7. Data Gathering Instruments

There are few data gathering instruments that were included in the study. The main data sources used in the research include different databases including Medline, Cochrane, Embase, Emcare, JBI and Scopus. Searches were done in these databases to identify relevant data to be applied in the study process. The procedures used were explicitly explained/ described to enable readers have advanced understanding of the topic under the study.

The reliability and validity evidence have been presented in the article. For example, the quality of the included studies or data was assessed through the application of the Cochrane risk of bias tool for randomized controlled trials, as well as the Joanna Briggs Institute quality appraisal checklists.

8. Experimental or Statistical Designs

The statistical design and procedures have been clearly presented in the article. The study design is Quantitative systematic review. All the procedures and process that have been used adhere to the above research design. Quantitative data analysis processes have been used in determining the outcome of the study. In other words, the hypothesis and the research questions have been addressed through the quantitative approaches.

9. Description of Data in the Article

The data in the article are clear and well described. The researchers provide a description of how they were analyzed, and the results are easy to follow and understand. The conclusions drawn by the researchers are supported by the data presented. Overall, this is a well-designed and executed study. The procedure of data collection led to the realization of accurate data that could be used to determine effective research outcomes. The conclusion made in the research was based on the data.

From the article selected, the conclusion was that in both primary and secondary healthcare settings, nurse-led services for adults provide coordinated treatments that enhance continuity of care for patients with chronic diseases. These services are linked to lower hospitalization or readmission rates as well as patient satisfaction; this conclusion was derived from the data that was collected and analyzed.

10. Unexpected or Unusual Results

From the article, there were some unexpected or unusual results that were identified. While the results strictly answered the research questions and addressed the hypothesis that were formulated in the introductory part, some findings revealed that the limited application of validated continuity of the care outcomes measurement tools disallowed the establishment of correlations between patient outcomes, interventions, as well as the continuity of care as a specific outcome.

11. The Style of Writing and Presentation

There is no doubt that the style of writing and presentation in research articles is scholarly. This means that correct spelling, grammar, and organization were followed to express ideas effectively. The point of a research article was to share findings with the academic community so that others can benefit from the work.


The evaluation process shows that this is good research. A good research article should be well-written and organized in a logical manner. It should be clear and concise, without Assuming unnecessary prior knowledge on the part of the reader. Secondly, a good research article should be based on sound methodology and provide convincing results that advance our understanding of the topic in question. The methods used should be described in sufficient detail to allow others to replicate the study, if desired. All these characteristics have been presented in the article under consideration.


  • Davis, K. M., Eckert, M. C., Hutchinson, A., Harmon, J., Sharplin, G., Shakib, S., & Caughey, G. E. (2021). Effectiveness of nurse–led services for people with chronic disease in achieving an outcome of continuity of care at the primary-secondary healthcare interface A quantitative systematic review. International Journal

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