Self-Assessment Paper

Paper Instructions

The purpose of this paper is to conduct a cultural self-assessment.

You will read each of the boxes in Chapter 2 of your textbook (one for each domain of the Purnell Model for Cultural Competence), answer these questions as they relate to you.

Remember to answer these questions from your personal perspective. At all times, explain why you do or do not adhere to the dominant cultural practices and beliefs of the ethnic group(s) with which you primarily identify.

If you do not wish to self-disclose a specific area from the Organizing Framework, indicate so instead of just not addressing it; of course, this should not happen very often.

Your paper should be formatted per APA and references should be current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions)

Submission Instructions

The paper is to be clear and concise and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation and misspelling.

The paper is to be no shorter than 3 pages; nor longer than 5 pages in length, excluding the title, abstract and references page.

Incorporate a minimum of 3 current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work. Journal articles and books should be referenced according to APA style (the library has a copy of the APA Manual).

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Cultural Self-Assessment

This cultural self-assessment utilizing the Purnell Model focuses on several areas, including biocultural ecology, high-risk health behaviors, family roles and organizations, and communications along with workforce challenges (Purnell & Fenkl, 2019). The replies I provide here on each topic reflect my appraisal of the relevant culture. The questions also inquire about each area of my life that is affected by my ethnic customs and values.

Bio-Cultural Ecology

I am allergic to penicillin and other antibiotics. Over-the-counter medications caused me problems since they stopped functioning and instead gave me migraines. Due to taking prescription drugs, I have felt queasy and nauseated. One of the deadliest illnesses in my family is pneumonia, followed by asthma. The only hereditary illness that I am aware of running in our family is asthma. It is incorrect to inquire about the key public health concerns in the country where I was born. I identify as American. My findings indicate that the family’s skin tones range from white to mixed, and among their physical characteristics are lofty heights. There are no handicaps or disabilities in the family (Purnell & Fenkl, 2019).

High-Risk Health Behaviors

In no way do I partake in cigarette use. But for the last two years, I have been a regular smoker. I drink a glass of wine every day. I once indulged in the recreational usage of marijuana. I used to use drugs once a week for fun. My daily routine consists of a run in the evenings. I always use my seat belt because it protects me in the event of an accident. To avoid contracting sexually transmitted diseases like HIV/AIDS, I regularly wear condoms (Purnell & Fenkl, 2019)

Family Roles and Organizations

My father—the family’s head—makes most decisions. My mother makes food, nutrition, and diet choices linked to these themes. My family values men’s health and education choices. Cooking, family care, and geriatric care are women’s duties. Men labor to support the family. Well-behaved, churchgoing, and academically successful youngsters give a good impression. To impress, they shouldnot be rude, disrespectful, or disturb adults. Adolescents should avoid smoking, drinking, early pregnancy, and active sexuality to give a good image. To avoid early pregnancy, teens shouldnot have sex(Purnell & Fenkl, 2019).

They cannot abuse alcohol or narcotics. When a crisis arises, senior family members provide advice. They are considered knowledgeable. My aunt and cousins live with us. The extended family helps with housework. Our large family raises our neighborhood status. Our tradition forbids unmarried children. Thus, unmarried cohabitation is unacceptable. People cannot openly admit to being homosexual or lesbian due to religious beliefs.


I am most comfortable communicating in English. I do not speak with a pronounced accent. In addition to English, I also speak French, German, and Spanish. It is difficult for me to communicate my emotions to anybody, even my loved ones, my friends, and my doctors. Nobody, not even my loved ones, nor even strangers, not even doctors, should touch me. No physical contact, including handshakes, is desired on my part. I have a good track record of being punctual.

But since I am shy, I am often running late to parties. The patient has trouble communicating effectively. When physical contact is attempted, the patient recoils in fear. When interacting with loved ones and caregivers, the patient maintains a dignified distance. The patient doesnot look at the nurse while they are having a conversation.

Overview, Inhabited Localities, and Topography

I now live in Florida. My ancestry is _______. I was born in _______. I have lived here for the past 10 years of my life. My father was born in and my mother was born in (enter) (insert). I moved to the US to further my studies. the rural region where I was raised (insert). I have never lived in another part of the nation. This is irrelevant since I have only ever lived in the United States. It is not proper since I am jobless.

My health insurance is paid for by my father’s stipend. The health insurance, which is not relevant in this instance, is paid for by my father. In addition, I have a formal education. I donot work in any industry. However, there have been no dangers or health concerns associated with the work I have done.

Workforce Issues

When I was self-employed, I never missed work. I also attended meetings on time. I am ok working with women. My dedication is admirable. I had to quit my job to go back to school. My boss advised me on all non-work issues. I trust me. I communicate effectively at work. I am too young to do a decent job, thus we donot get along. I can follow older or younger people. Since other religions may conflict with mine, working with them may be difficult (Shepherd et al., 2019). I have trouble working with white people because I disregard bias. I value self-reflection.


My weight has always been ideal for me. Vegetables and meat are staples in my diet. My go-to diet for optimal health consists mostly of fatty foods and carbohydrates. Milk, because of its lactose level, is the one food I actively despise. When I am sick, my go-to meals consist of chicken noodle soup and orange juice. Vegetables and lean cuts of meat are my go-toss for maintaining a healthy diet. Every member of my family eats the same thing at home. Breakfast, lunch, and supper take turns being the main meals of the day. My dad normally does the grocery shopping.

Pregnancy and Childbearing Practice

I have not married and I am childless. No abortions or miscarriages have ever occurred in my life. When it comes to sexual activity, I always wear a condom. I want to be married soon so that I may start a family. After the baby is born, I do not care what kind of food I eat.

Death Ritual

If I were to die today, I would want to be cremated. After a few days, I suppose the body is buried. Men in my society tend to be more composed and in control of their feelings at times of loss, while women tend to be more demonstrative. When it comes to life beyond death, I have faith. Children older than seven are welcome to participate in our funeral rites.


By faith, I identify as a Christian. Not that I see myself as very religious. Whenever I get up in the morning, or just before I go to sleep at night, I say a prayer. I constantly pray, “Father, protect my loved ones and myself.” In place of meditation, I practice the spiritual discipline of prayer (Sharifi et al., 2019).

Healthcare Practice

Regular exercise and checkups with a doctor help me keep my health in check (Handtke et al., 2019). The well-being of my loved ones is entirely within my control. Herbal remedies and drinks are not something I partake in. When I need help managing discomfort, I usually tell others around me.

Healthcare Providers

I usually go to the family doctor and nurses when I am sick. When Iam feeling sick, I like to see a doctor of the same gender as myself. My family and I only ever go to our regular physicians and nurses for medical care.


  • Handtke, O., Schilgen, B., & Mösko, M. (2019). Culturally competent healthcare – A scoping review of strategies implemented in healthcare organizations and a model of culturally competent healthcare provision. PLOS ONE, 14(7), 1–24. https //
  • Purnell, L. D., & Fenkl, E. A. (2019). Handbook for Culturally Competent Care. Cham Springer International Publishing Imprint, Springer.
  • Sharifi, N., Adib-Hajbaghery, M., & Najafi, M. (2019). Cultural competence in nursing A concept analysis. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 99(1). https //
  • Shepherd, S. M., Willis-Esqueda, C., Newton, D., Sivasubramaniam, D., & Paradies, Y. (2019). The challenge of cultural competence in the workplace perspectives of healthcare providers. BMC Health Services Research, 19(1), 1–11. Springer. https //

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