Theory in Practice

Paper Instructions

Write a 260- to 350-word summary explaining your conceptual framework and explain how the framework:

  • Addresses the intersection of practice and societal norms;
  • Shows the benefits to those served; and
  • Guides practice, research and education.

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Conceptual Framework

Conceptual framework showing how Orem’s theory can be applied to teach Primigravida women on childbirth.

The conceptual framework above shows how an assisted childbirth education can be used to help primigravida. The framework is guided by Orem’s self-care theory. Childbirth arouses emotional feelings and expectations which may leave the mother in anxiety, dilemma, and fear of the unknown (Ahmed & Khairi, 2019). The mother, therefore, requires appropriate mental and physical preparation to avoid the negative consequences linked to childbirth. Research indicates that Assisted Child Birth Education Program improves labor outcomes because it enhances knowledge on labor and childbirth and intrapartum behavior among primigravida mothers (D’Silva & Mathias, 2016). An important factor that influences a woman’s childbirth experience is confidence instilled by educating the mother about childbirth.

As outlined above, the various aspects of Orem’s theory considered are self-care, self-care agency, self-care demands, and nursing agency. Improved self-care among primigravida mothers enhances intrapartum behaviors and results in positive fetal and maternal outcomes. Self-care is enhanced through reinforcement and practice sessions on childbirth (Uçar & Golbasi, 2019). The self-care agency that would help the sessions is the willingness, motivation, and interest of the primigravida women who are ready to deal with emotional feelings and expectations linked to childbirth. The self-care demand offered is bridging the knowledge gap using assisted childbirth videos.

With the knowledge gap covered, the primigravida mothers gain knowledge of self-care ability. The sessions have to be covered by an expert on childbirth education who acts as a nursing agency. The expert has to assess the knowledge of the primigravida mothers and train them using an assisted childbirth education video (D’Silva & Mathias, 2016). Finally, the expert has to assess the impact of the training program by providing intrapartum behavior observation checklists to the primigravida mothers and recording and analyzing the maternal and fetal outcomes.


  • Ahmed, H. A. J., & Khairi, S. H. (2019). Effectiveness of Childbirth Classes Regarding Labor Knowledge and Practices on Primigravida Woman in Al-Elwiya Maternity Teaching Hospital. Kufa Journal for Nursing Sciences, 9(2), 1-9.
  • D’Silva, P., & Mathias, A. (2016). Effectiveness of PTP on childbirth preparation regarding childbirth practice during labor among primigravida women. Muller Journal of Medical Sciences and Research, 7(1), 13-13.
  • Uçar, T., & Golbasi, Z. (2019). Effect of an educational program based on cognitive-behavioral techniques on fear of childbirth and the birth process. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology, 40(2), 146-155.

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